Following its release Helldivers 2 black display on startup has seen tremendous success, but not without its share of problems. Thousands of gamers have been attempting to join servers that were never designed to accommodate the sheer volume of people attempting to defend Super Earth.
There are several ways that these server problems might appear, but the most frequent one is that Helldivers 2 players say they just get a “black screen” when they try to play the game. We’ll walk you through fixing the Helldivers 2 black screen on startup in this article.
How to Clear up Helldivers 2 black Display on Startup
When you try and begin the game Helldivers 2 black display on startup, now and again there may be a issue that makes the display screen black and the game freeze. But some humans have discovered techniques to restore this trouble..
Wait for the show of the main menu
The first choice is to be affected person and wait for a couple of minutes. The black screen would possibly leave on its very own after which you could begin playing the game.
Shut Down and Open the Game Again
Restart the game and end it if you see a black screen. When we give them a blank screen to operate on, a lot of software applications that are stuck on a black screen or loading prefer to fix themselves.
Restart the computer
The OS gets a new start when it is restarted. Restarting resolves the black screen problem if it is the result of corrupt files or other little problems.
Remove Graphics Settings
If the game doesn’t work properly on your computer because of the graphics settings, you need to uninstall it.
Step1- Open File Explorer and click to C: users/ [your username]/App data/roaming/arrowhead/helldivers2.
Step 2- Locate and remove the user_settings.config file.
Step 3- Choose the settings after relaunching the game.
Modify the Config File for Helldivers 2 black screen on Startup

You can lose all of your configurations if you delete the Helldivers 2 config files. If the failure to open Helldivers 2 black screen on startup in full screen mode is one of the causes, it is preferable to make changes to the configuration file.
Step 1- Open the user_settings.config file by navigating from File Explorer to C: users/ [your username]/Appdata/roaming/arrowhead/helldivers2.
Step 2- Open the file in any text editor and set full-screen to false in the full-screen field.
Change the Borderless Window for Helldivers 2 black screen on Startup
One user said that if you change Helldivers 2 black screen on startup to borderless windowed mode before you close the game, it might help. while you try to switch the game back to full display screen later, it has to work once more. If you attempt to play in full-display, the game might also crash because of the display settings. You must strive changing the display settings or playing in a style that works higher together with your pc.
Check the Game Files
If the game isn’t working right, it might be because the files are broken or not there. You need to check and fix the problems with the game files.
To make sure the Helldivers 2 black screen on startup game is working correctly, go to its Steam library. Right-click on the game files and Properties. Look for the Installed files tab and take a check at that everything is okay.
Install Helldivers 2 Again
If the game Helldivers continues to be showing a black screen after trying the entirety else, you can uninstall and then reinstalling the game. This can help repair the issue by means of resetting everything back to how it become whilst you first downloaded the game.
Turn off/ Disable Steam Input
Sometimes a application Steam Input might be inflicting a issue with Helldivers 2 black screen on startup where the screen goes black. Turning off Steam Input can help fix this trouble. If you have different problems like conflicts with overlays, compatibility, graphics drivers, or system faults, uninstalling Steam may additionally assist solve them.
GPU Problems
There are two situations in which GPU from AMD and Nvidia may also result in black display.
1. Regarding AMD Radeon– Until the manufacturer resolves problem, you cannot play Helldivers with an AMD Radeon 7000 series graphics card.
2. Regarding Nvidia- Nvidia users have issues with image scaling. To repair it, go to the Nvidia Control Panel and turn off the Image Scaling features.
If the Helldivers 2 black screen on startup issue is still unresolved, it’s now a waiting game, with some thinking it’s a server issue while others think it’s another bug with Helldivers 2. Whatever the case, there’s nothing more you can do other than wait for Arrowhead to release a patch.
Those who use the Helldivers 2 black screen on startup game realize that it doesn’t work nicely with positive type of pc graphics playing cards. They are operating with the agency that makes the ones playing cards to restore the issue. If you’ve got the type of cards, simply be patient and watch for the replace to make the game work better.
Q.1. Why do not Helldivers 2 load.
Ans.1. If Helldivers 2 is taking a long time to load, it might be due to the fact numerous humans are looking to play on the same time. So, you may have to wait a bit earlier than you could begin playing.
Q.2. How to keep away from the crash of Helldivers 2 black display screen on startup.
Ans.2. To avoid Helldivers 2 black display on startup from crashing, use the solutions indexed below.
1. Turn off the Steam input.
2. Examine the game files.
3. Update drivers in your images card.
4. Fix the device documents.
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